A Thief II Fan Mission Update: Part II

United Bank of Auldale (UBA)

After giving the old mission a play through last week I made 50 items to look into and make desired changes. Some of them are high priority updates because they negatively affect game play and the rest are really just things that could be edited to improve overall game play and atmosphere. There are a lot of continuity issues and other random pointless things that could be deleted or changed to fit into the mission and Thief game world a bit better. 

After getting into editing again I think that setting a Christmas eve release date achievable if I buckle down and get to work. The trouble is building myself up to dealing with the Dark Engine's DromEd editor again after all those years have passed. I should be working on a new mission but updating this one should help me to get my mission building skills built up again so I can create a new fan mission that's been on my mind. I don't know if I should continue with the new one because it'a already a train wreck as far as design is concerned so we'll see. That being said, below is the long list of items that need work. More to come!

UBA - Fix Notes
  1. Fix guard by exit - make invisible key on belt visible - see fix notes on TTLG website
  2. Move gold dice from pillar in center of room on top floor of Hammer foundry, and add tables and chairs, etc.
  3. Center text on Dewdrop doll plaque - 2nd floor Hammer foundry.
  4. Move tapestry on 1st level police station so sword is able to destroy it & check room brush because guard doesn't react correctly to noise or sight of Garrett.
  5. Fix keys on station shelf so that they hang - never could get that right.
  6. Center text on cell plaques
  7. Check all tapestries in police station upstairs too.
  8. Update names on readables to more Thiefy names.
  9. 1st Inn: Update chimney & ladder to make it easier to climb.
  10. Make closet door open inward on first floor of 1st inn.
  11. Fix record player volume - too low.
  12. Make readables fixed so you don't have to carry all of them around.
  13. Servant room lock - make pickable or use hotel master key. Which one makes more sense? If master key won't work then make a readable explaining why.
  14. Change key name on lady on 2nd floor of 1st inn to "mysterious" or "strange" key.
  15. What is the "useful key" on 2nd floor of 1st in? Move somewhere else? Rename?
  16. Sea chest in attic of 1st inn - What the point of the note inside? Delete or link to actual treasure in Thieves Guild warehouse.
  17. Make floor thicker in attic of 1st inn so sound doesn't travel through and alert the guard.
  18. Add some detail to alley between 1st hotel and cemetery. Update plaque at the back to something more interesting or funny.
  19. Update readme version , contact info, etc.
  20. Fix lighting by Hammer church - out front.
  21. Sound issue in church and on the trigger for the "die" sound in cemetery. Maybe get rid of the sound effect.
  22. Trigger for music inside coffee shop & volume needs adjustment.
  23. Update readable in coffee shop - delete 'tritium' and replace with something more Thiefy or holiday.
  24. Power station plaque - center text and change to same plaque as other buildings.
  25. Fix readables in the entire missions - update text - Use ChatGPT to edit.
  26. Change non-ko guard to regular?
  27. Update text to more Thiefy names and fix readables in 2nd hotel.
  28. Change doors in top floor of coffee shop - eliminate or fix - move keys to 1st floor - leave potions in place - make entrance more noticeable. Maybe make a multi-floor shop.
  29. 2nd floor coffee shop treasure - delete room & move treasure - see #28
  30. 2nd floor inn - bedside lamp - get to shut off all the way.
  31. Fix ladder in elevator shaft - make stairs or add functioning elevator?
  32. Bank - change double doors to single - no need for 2 sets - keep keys.
  33. 2nd floor readable not needed - move ATM code note to desk - change note text & move code sheet closer or someplace more interesting. Maybe leave code in random spot with no explanation.
  34. No pick broom closet 2nd floor bank office - make closet smaller or add objects like bucket, etc. - maybe more water/moss arrows.
  35. Vault key name change to "vault."
  36. Review all safe key names.
  37. Are two invisibility potions needed to get in and out of big bank?
  38. With door closed in big vault area the big bots can't hear fire arrow - change?
  39. Remove treasure value on Dewdrop.
  40. Change name to window key to warehouse.
  41. Lettuce name says 'apple' - fix.
  42. Warehouse safe floor - raise & make safe pickable and add more bots and guards.
  43. Change height on rear crates to make more fun to climb.
  44. Make beginning more sewer tunnel like.
  45. Starting note location change? Make easier to find.
  46. Scouting orb, flash bomb and invisibility potion not necessary - maybe move to a shop window and make unfrobbable.
  47. Sword not needed - after all it's Christmas time.
  48. Reduce water & moss arrows - delete broadhead arrows.
  49. City gate - make open faster or use different gate.
  50. Remove HUMMV at end - move outside of brush if deleting messes things up.

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